Most dining establishments serve alcoholic beverages in some shape or form. Some might only offer wine and beer. However, others offer specialty cocktails and unique services which involve high-grade, expensive liquors. Still, regardless of the monetary value of your liquor
itself, you have to protect it. If you don’t, any loss might prove costly. What can you to do protect this stock?
Liquor protection involves implementing security measures. It also involves putting in place an insurance package that will cover these items. If you keep high-value liquor on hand, pay the closest attention to these items.
The Value of Top-Shelf Liquor
You might have heard the term top-shelf used to refer to certain liquor, wine or beer. Generally, top-shelf items are the most expensive. Their makes, vintages or overall quality might single them out as the best in your stock. Traditionally, these items went on the top shelf of the bar to show their exceptional value.
Many bars and restaurants also used top-shelving as a security mechanism. Because of their value, these items might be a prime target for thieves. Keeping them up high, in other words, might deter the potential for theft. It’s a lot harder to grab an item off the top shelf than one at eye level, for example.
Insurance for Lost Items
If a top-shelf item gets stolen, you need to replace it. In some cases, you can afford to replace stolen food or liquor out of pocket. However, often, you won’t want to use commercial funds replacing expensive lost stock. Thus, your restaurant's property insurance will likely pay for the replacement.
Often, policies will extend coverage to lost food or liquor, with a few exceptions. They’ll often cover burglary or robbery by outside parties. They might also cover acts of employee dishonesty when employees abscond with items. Keep in mind, however, that sometimes policies will not cover your most-expensive items. Therefore, you’ll still want to avoid losses at all costs.
Create a Security System
To protect your most-expensive liquor, put in place a security plan. Steps to take might include:
- Keeping liquor on the top shelf of your bar. The tried and true method still works.
- Storing items out of sight of the public. Only show these items to customers interested in making a purchase.
- Lock down the liquor whenever you are not using it and after closing. Consider keeping security cameras trained on the bar at all times.
With appropriate care, you can keep the most expensive liquor in your store safe. However, for the accidents you can’t prevent, talk to one of our insurance agents at 708.423.2350. We can help you get the coverage that will insure this stock.
Also Read: Serving Liquor in Your Restaurant